Battle Drones: Future

Short Term Updates

We are excited to roll out several key updates that will enhance our platform and engage our community further. Firstly, we will integrate Drone Avatars within the game, allowing players to utilise their unique characters in immersive gameplay. Additionally, we are introducing a new PvP game mode, offering competitive and interactive experiences that will foster a dynamic and engaging player environment. Finally, we are thrilled to announce the release of our first comic, expanding our storytelling universe and providing fans with a rich, narrative-driven experience. These updates are just the beginning of our journey to create a more inclusive and interactive entertainment ecosystem.

Future Updates

The team at Battle Drones aim to continuously develop our multifaceted ecosystem. We are currently in our concept stage when it comes to future updates and we aim to incorporate community feedback through our DAO structure.

Some of our future planned updates include:

  • New Game Modes/Titles:

    • A Battle Royale shooter update to our PVP game mode. This offers a completely new and unique three-dimensional dynamic which has not yet been explored in typical man-on-the-ground shooters. This 3D dynamic allows gamers to exploit new and innovative gameplay scenarios. As of now, we are already investigating ambitious ideas to incorporate into the game mechanics

    • A drone racing game mode

    • A tower defence game mode where players will have to help defend in-game structures from hordes of enemies

  • New Comics and Media:

    • The release of our first comic in the series, Battle Drones: Volume 1, which features both a standard edition and special edition for interested collectors

    • Expansion of the comic series, where several concepted ideas already exist

    • Production of higher budget forms of entertaining and engaging content such as animated series and films that can be enjoyed by everyone, yet rooted in the game narratives.

  • Ecosystem Expansion

    • We have conveniently designed our Battle Drone avatars to allow the introduction of characters from outside of the Battle Drones universe. Players will be able to play as their favourite characters through game cross-overs as well as brands in both the global and blockchain spaces. This is something we are extremely excited to implement in time.

Further information and details will be released as we progress through development.

Last updated